Heather Evans Smith

“How many of you have been saved?”, the preacher shouted. The congregation promptly raised their hands. Not wanting to be the sole individual with their hand down, I slowly raised mine to join theirs. Why had this magical experience not happened to me? I desired to comprehend why faith held a deeper meaning for them beyond mere attendance at Sunday services.

As a young adult, I ventured out on my own, skipping Sundays, yet the questions persisted. One evening, I found myself in the living room of my spiritual friend. “How do you believe?”, I asked. She responded with confidence, “You simply must pray for it. You just gotta have faith. That’s all.” Following her advice, I prayed earnestly, hoping for a transformative experience. Nothing seemed to change. Over time, these inquiries faded, but they never completely disappeared. They would resurface during significant events, such as the birth of a child or the loss of a parent. Despite my efforts, I still felt as though I was merely going through the motions, lacking the profound connection that others seemed to possess.

Often, doubters choose to keep their thoughts hidden when they lack unwavering faith. This decision can lead to a profound sense of isolation, especially when surrounded by individuals who are steadfast in their beliefs. These images delve into the memories of those bygone Sundays and the lifelong pursuit of finding answers. How is it that some can wholeheartedly embrace traditional faith while the rest of us are left questioning?


All That My Arms Can Hold

Stopping Point




At Arm's Length


Since Last I Was There

When Will This Feeling Go Away


All That My Arms Can Hold

Stopping Point




At Arm's Length


Since Last I Was There

When Will This Feeling Go Away