In this series, I am taking a conceptual approach to comment on consumerism and how it's consequences are seen finally dumped in our oceans.
My work begins by looking for expanded polystyrene (eps) packaging material and styrofoam from large scale trash centres in Dharavi, Mumbai where most of these goods are collected from all over the city and its outskirts. These materials are largely used for the packing of various consumer goods in India and also many other countries.
I choose this material so as to symbolically imitate on the culture of our consumerist growth. Then, I worked around with these found goods to make several built structures and later photographed them showing as a constructed environment in the waters. It appears to be a serene utopian space with these structures ironically built from this highly toxic and non-biodegradable waste.
It is a comment on our attitude and on the scale at which the plastic waste remains in the seas.
Holy Boulevard is thus a satirical take on the human interaction with the environment.